Gensokyo, a remote land isolated from the outside world where both humans and monsters exist. One day at Hakurei Shrine, the shrine maiden Reimu Hakurei sees mysterious pillars towering over various parts of Gensokyo.
The pillars were the signal of Futousai, the beginning of the festival sponsored by Yukari Yakumo where each participant battled for spell cards. In order to find out the true intention behind the Futousai, Yukari Yakumo and Reimu Hakurei join in on the spell card competition.
Carnival edition-
- Switch Game: Touhou Spell Carnival
- Visual Book
- Soundtrack CD
Special Pack-
- Switch Game: Touhou Spell Carnival
- SD Figures of Reimu and Marisa
- Newly Drawn Artwork Hanging Scroll
- Sticker
- Visual Book
- Soundtrack CD
Trailer -